The wackiest teaching they have is "God hates violence"
I have to laugh everytime I hear that. Besides God killing people non-stop - and telling people to kill other people all the time - he is referecned as a "man of war" (Exodous 15:3).
Accepts a child sacrafice form Jeptha for helping him defeat the sons of Ammon (Judges 11:30-35)
God has 3,000 of his own chosen people murdered for the Golden Calf incident (Exodous 32:27)
Slaughters one million Ethiopians (2 Chronicles 14:12,13)
Orders the Israelites to commit genocide against the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites with orders to kill everysingle man, woman, child and even their live stock (Deuteronomy 20:16-18) . . . trees are okay though.
Yeah, it sure sounds like God hates violence!